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Michelle Marshall author of “In my dreams”.


Michelle Marshall was born in the wintery months of December 1983 in London UK. Michelle from a young age was drawn to writing and contributed at every opportunity in school, to write poems and story books, which engaged children and teachers, who were captivated by such a vivid and colourful imagination.


Michelle uses creativity as expression in her writing. Upcoming into the writing scene Michelle has high aspirations and visions to write children’s books, poetry and other creative outlets for both adult and children. Books will be drawn from life’s experiences as a form of inspirational perspective to encourage, motivate and build positive images of the world.


Michelle wrote this book to inspire everyone to create positive thinking patterns and belief systems; this book is to inspire children into this mentality from a young age.


Michelle strongly believes that mental health, disability and race due to the sensitive nature are amongst the many topics not discussed in much depth within the education systems and society.


Having this in mind, Michelle wants to help children and families build stronger bonds through reading with books that inspire and build connection.

“If we are to create a society of acceptance, we must first create understanding and then we will have unity”


Writing is Michelle’s passion and she has great insight she would love to share with the world to inspire those who have limitations of any kind and encourage them to believe in themselves and all the possibilities life has to offer.



- Michelle Marshall -
Author, Poet & Writer

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